The Role of Astrology in the Purchase of Precious Stones in India

Arjun Mehra

Posted on 16 Feb, 2025

Views: 39
The Role of Astrology in the Purchase of Precious Stones in India

Astrology holds a special place in Indian culture, influencing numerous aspects of daily life, including the purchase and wearing of precious stones. These gemstones are believed to have profound effects on the wearer’s life, based on astrological principles. Many renowned gold merchants and jewelry shop owners in India employ astrologers who offer guidance to customers on specific days. This practice reinforces the deep-rooted belief in the power of astrology when choosing the right stone. However, it is important to note that individuals are encouraged to consult with an astrologer, gemologist, or gem expert before making their final selection.

Month and Birthstones

The concept of birthstones ties specific gemstones to each month, which are believed to bring good fortune and positive energy to those born in that month. Below is a table listing the months and their corresponding birthstones:

MonthPrimary BirthstoneAlternate Birthstone
Month wise Birthstones by

Each of these stones is thought to align with the energy of its corresponding month, enhancing the wearer’s luck, health, and overall well-being.

Zodiac Signs and Lucky Stones

In addition to birth months, astrology also associates specific gemstones with zodiac signs. These “lucky stones” are believed to amplify positive traits and mitigate challenges associated with each zodiac sign. Here’s a detailed list:

Zodiac SignLucky StoneAlternate Stone
ScorpioBlood StoneBlood Stone

The Cultural Significance of Gemstones in India

In Indian culture, the belief in gemstones transcends mere aesthetics. These stones are perceived as powerful tools to balance planetary influences and attract prosperity. Here’s why they are so significant:

  1. Astrological Alignment: Precious stones are chosen based on the planetary alignment in an individual’s birth chart. Astrologers recommend stones to strengthen the ruling planet or counteract any malefic effects of other planets.
  2. Healing Properties: Each gemstone is believed to have unique healing properties. For instance, garnet is associated with vitality and strength, while emerald promotes mental clarity and wisdom.
  3. Rituals and Traditions: In many families, wearing the right gemstone is considered an auspicious ritual that brings harmony to personal and professional life. These stones are often blessed in temples or during special ceremonies before being worn.
  4. Investment Value: Beyond their astrological significance, gemstones are valuable investments. High-quality stones like diamonds, rubies, and emeralds retain their value over time, making them a popular choice among buyers.

Tips for Choosing the Right Gemstone

  1. Consult an Expert: Always consult a qualified astrologer, gemologist, or gem expert to determine the best stone for your astrological needs.
  2. Verify Authenticity: Ensure that the gemstone is certified and sourced from a reputable dealer to guarantee its quality and authenticity.
  3. Follow Rituals: Many believe that gemstones should be worn after performing specific rituals to maximize their positive effects.
  4. Understand Maintenance: Precious stones require proper care to maintain their brilliance and energy. For example, pearls need to be kept away from harsh chemicals, while diamonds require regular cleaning to retain their sparkle.


The influence of astrology in choosing and wearing precious stones remains strong in India, deeply intertwined with tradition and belief. Whether selected by month, zodiac sign, or astrological chart, these gemstones are cherished not just for their beauty but also for their perceived ability to transform lives. However, it is essential to approach their purchase with care, seeking professional advice to ensure that the chosen stone truly aligns with one’s needs and aspirations.

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